Unlock greater prosperity this Chinese New Year with $1 Huat Picks! Grab your favourites for just $1 at 7-Eleven! Perfect for celebrating, sharing, or treating yourself.
Suzuki Hokkaido Mocha 240ml
Milo Gao 240ml
Pokka Sparkling Pineapple Drink 500ml
Mountain Dew Neon 400ml
Fuze Tea Jasmine Green Tea 500ml
Authentic Tea House Ayataka Bottle 500ml
Pepsi Zero Sugar Bottle 500ml
Pepsi Cola 500ml
Meiji Hello Panda Chocolate/ Milk / Strawberry 50g
Bento Drumstick Sweet and Spicy/Curry Crab 50g
Kitkat Candy Crush Strawberry 4 Fingers/ Premium 4 Fingers 35g
Marigold HL Milk Plain/ Chocolate/ Banana Milk 200ml
Marigold Low Fat Yogurt Strawberry/ Natural/ Mix Berries 130g
Lactasoy Soymilk Original/Unsweetened 300ml
Eurocake Jumbo Croissant Chocolate/Honey/Strawberry 60g
Lejinji Milk Flavour Round Bread 80g
7-Select Cup Noodles Chicken/ Tom Yum/Hot & Spicy 75g
Promotion availability varies by store, while stock last. Valid from now
- While stocks last.
- Valid from now.
No Coupon/Promo code needed.
Sourced from 7-Eleven.